Saturday, December 27, 2014

take me deeper than my feet will ever wander

I sat on the banks of Loch Lomond and cried for half an hour after I realized what God was calling me to do. I begged and pleaded for Him to change His mind. He didn't, so I (reluctantly) obeyed. He wanted me to go home to America. What a ridiculous request of Him to make, I know.

I had only been in Scotland for five days, yet in those five days, I had never felt closer to God. I'd been on mission trips before, but I had never sensed God so present in my life like He did during those days. He used those ten days I was in Scotland to show me what was to come in my life.

I've known for about three years now that God wants me to use my life to help break His people free from the chains of human trafficking. My heart breaks for the 27 million who are enslaved. My response to trafficking is much like Esther when she pleads on behalf of her people: "For how can I bear to see the calamity that is coming to my people? Or how can I bear to see the destruction of my kindred?" (Esther 8:6)

I had accepted that I was going to work with the A21 Campaign the moment God revealed the organization to me. I knew in my heart that this was who I am supposed to work for. Although it was a shock when I felt God call me to work at their headquarters in Sydney, Australia.

I thought I had fully accepted that I was one day going to move there. I still had some anxiety, though, about leaving behind everything I had ever called home. That’s why God revealed Himself to me in ways I had never experienced on my trip to Scotland.

God showed me that there was no need to be fearful of going to a country that I had never experienced because He was going to be there. And He is a familiarity that is incomparable. He has given me peace about moving and I am so excited to experience the life that He has in store for me half way across the world.
That’s why I was so against heading back to America. I know fully that I am to live overseas, and I was dreading returning to a place where I know I won't be happy.

I love America and I always will, but I love my God more. He is calling me to a place where His people need me, and I am willingly ready to go where He will lead me.

For now, I'm still trying to adjust to life in America. There are many things about the American way of life that bug me, but I'm learning to accept them. I know that wherever I go in life I won't have a "perfect life," but so long as I continue to follow the path God has laid before me, I know that I will have the life that is perfect for me.

So, I ask for prayer as I continue to move towards the day when God tells me it is time to leave. I have peace with God's decision, but I know this is a hard plan for my family to accept. At the time of writing this, I am confident that I will be going to Australia. That being said, God could change my path at any moment in time, so I also ask for prayer that I will be content wherever He asks me to go.

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