Friday, March 13, 2015

Accepting Peace

"Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the 
world gives. Your heart must not be troubled or fearful." - John 14:27

Peace is something our world knows very little about. If I'm being honest, I truly 
cannot recall a time where our nation has not been at war. There have been talks 
of peace, but no actions.

I strongly believe that this contributes greatly to my generations confusion 
of peace. Too often, I have had to comfort my friends because of the over-
whelming stress in their life. And while I'm happy to be there as a shoulder to 
cry on, my comfort can only go so far. They claim that they want peace in their
life, but how can they seek something they've rarely ever seen?

There are constantly things life throws at us that push us off balance. When we 
reach a stressful situation, there are two paths to follow: a path of worry or a path 
of peace.

It's easy to find links online that will teach people how to deal with stress. The 
long list includes exercise, eating right, planning better.

None mention seeking peace through our Heavenly Father.

It is only through the Father that we are able to find rest. He is the one who gives 
us the "peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, [and] will guard your 
hearts and minds through Christ Jesus," the one who has "overcome the world," 
and He is the one who is an "ever-present help in trouble."

Resting in God's peace is not an easy thing to do; learning to find my peace in Him 
was not an overnight thing. It took a lot of patience and faith while going through 
trials. I believe I am finally at a point now where at least most of the time I choose 
to give over my issues to the Lord and accept the peace He desires for me. 
Personally knowing what going through life with God's peace and without it is like, 
I fully desire peace with God for everyone.

Whether you go through a family fight, a medical issue, a financial crisis, whatever 
it is-- trust in the Lord. It's not necessarily easy, but it is better.